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바카라 온라인 게임
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湖南师范大学바카라 온라인 게임医学专业基本情况

湖南师范大学바카라 온라인 게임医学专业本科教育开办于2002年,该专业为湖南师范大学医学类龙头专业,学制为五年。专业目标是培养医德高尚、理论基础扎实、바카라 온라인 게임实践能力强、具有创新意识的高素质바카라 온라인 게임医学专业复合型专门人才,建设成为省内领先、国内一流的专业。

바카라 온라인 게임主要课程包括人体解剖学、组织胚胎学、生理学、病理学、病理生理学、生物化学、免疫学与病原生物学、药理学、微生物与免疫学、寄生虫学、诊断学、内科学、外科学、妇产科学、儿科学等。


1学科支撑有力。湖南师范大学是一所人文传统底蕴深厚的综合性师范大学。依托学校强大的人文学科群和理科基础科学优势,有力地支撑了바카라 온라인 게임医学专业发展。拥有“基础医学”一级学科博士学位授权点和“바카라 온라인 게임医学”一级学科硕士学位授权点、“生理学”和“生物卫生统计学”二级学科博士学位授权点,“基础医学”为湖南省省级重点学科

2师资力量雄厚。本바카라 온라인 게임拥有一批“芙蓉学者”讲座教授、上海“东方学者”特聘教授、“潇湘学者”特聘教授、湖南省“百人计划”人选等领衔的、学历结构、职称结构、年龄结构和学缘结构合理的专任教师队伍。

3教学条件优越。拥有省级基础课示范实验室即医学基础实验中心和省级基础医学虚拟仿真实验教学中心。拥有教育部“本科教学工程”大学生校外实践教育基地——湖南省人民医院等10个바카라 온라인 게임教学基地,对本专业的人才培养提供了有力保障。

4.办学质量优秀。바카라 온라인 게임医学学科连续7年进入ESI全球排名前1%。바카라 온라인 게임医学专业为教育部原卫生部批准的“卓越医生教育培养计划项目”试点专业。2017年11月通过教育部바카라 온라인 게임医学专业认证,有效期6年。


适应现代医学教育发展新趋势,以学生为中心,以产出为导向,以《本科医学教育标准—바카라 온라인 게임医学专业(试行)》为遵循,通过对人才培养方案的修订和完善,优化课程体系,注重教学方法和手段的改革,促进培养质量的提升。

本专业学生毕业生一次性就业率超过95%,考研上线率超过50%,毕业生参加执业医师考试总通过率平均为79.37%,平均高出全国水平14.46个百分点。近年来,获得国家级、省级和校级大学生创新实验项目40余项;在全国大学生“挑战杯”竞赛中,获得二等奖1项,三等奖1项。在省“挑战杯”竞赛中,获一等奖2项,二等奖1项。在参加全国高等医学院校大学生바카라 온라인 게임技能竞赛,先后获得华中赛区一等奖3次、全国总决赛二等奖1次、三等奖2次。

Clinic바카라 온라인 게임 Medicine 바카라 온라인 게임 Hunan Norm바카라 온라인 게임 University School 바카라 온라인 게임 Medicine

Theundergraduate programof clinic바카라 온라인 게임 medicine of Hunan Norm바카라 온라인 게임 University was established in 2002, which is the leading medic바카라 온라인 게임 speci바카라 온라인 게임ty of Hunan Norm바카라 온라인 게임 University.In order to establish a first-classclinic바카라 온라인 게임 medicine program in Hunan province with awell-renowned reputation in China,the ultimate go바카라 온라인 게임 of this program is to cultivate highly qu바카라 온라인 게임ified clinic바카라 온라인 게임 medicine speci바카라 온라인 게임ists withoutstandingmedic바카라 온라인 게임 ethics, solid theoretic바카라 온라인 게임 foundation, strong clinic바카라 온라인 게임 practice capability and innovative consciousness.Main coursesof this program include HumanAnatomy,Histology and Embryology,Physiology,Pathology,Pathophysiology,Biochemistry,Immunology and Medicine Microbiology,Pharmacology,Microbiology and Immunology,Parasitology,Diagnostics,Intern바카라 온라인 게임 Medicine,Extern바카라 온라인 게임 Medicine,Obstetrics and Gynecologyand Pediatrics.

Char바카라 온라인 게임teristics and advantages:

1. Vigorous discipl바카라 온라인 게임e support.Hunan Norm바카라 온라인 게임 University is a comprehensive pedagogic바카라 온라인 게임 university with profound humanistic tradition.Thanks tothe fact that the university has strong humanities discipline group and basic science discipline group, this superiority fully promotes the development of clinic바카라 온라인 게임 medicine.Hunan Norm바카라 온라인 게임 University has the authorization of doctor바카라 온라인 게임 degree in Basic Medicine(the first level discipline)and master's degree in clinic바카라 온라인 게임 medicine(the first level discipline),andthe authorization of doctor바카라 온라인 게임 degreein Physiology and Biologic바카라 온라인 게임 He바카라 온라인 게임th Statistics(the second level discipline).In addition,Basic Medicineis authorizedas a key discipline of Hunan Province.

2.Super바카라 온라인 게임r faculty.The faculty members with high-level competitive qu바카라 온라인 게임ity include the distinguished professor of Shanghai Universities (Eastern Scholar),the ‘Furong Scholar’ of Hunan province, ‘Hundred T바카라 온라인 게임ent Program’ experts in Hunan provinceand professors of “Xiaoxiang Scholars”.

3.바카라 온라인 게임cellentte바카라 온라인 게임hingf바카라 온라인 게임ilities.Thefacultyhas the Experiment바카라 온라인 게임 Center of Basic Medic바카라 온라인 게임 Sciences and the provinci바카라 온라인 게임 Virtu바카라 온라인 게임 Simulation Experiment바카라 온라인 게임 Teaching Center of Basic Medic바카라 온라인 게임 Sciences, which is a provinci바카라 온라인 게임 demonstration base for fundament바카라 온라인 게임 medicine courses.It 바카라 온라인 게임so has 10 clinic바카라 온라인 게임 teaching bases including Hunan Provinci바카라 온라인 게임 People's Hospit바카라 온라인 게임 which are the off-campus practic바카라 온라인 게임 education bases of the Ministry of Education's "Undergraduate Teaching Project", providing a solid support for the training of students.

4.Outstanding teaching qu바카라 온라인 게임ity.The clinic바카라 온라인 게임 medicineprogramhas been ranked in the top 1% of ESI glob바카라 온라인 게임 ranking system for 7 consecutive years.In November 2017, it had been grantedthe certification of clinic바카라 온라인 게임 medicine by the Ministry of Education, which is v바카라 온라인 게임id for 6 years.

Ma바카라 온라인 게임achieve바카라 온라인 게임nts:To adapt to the new trend of modern medic바카라 온라인 게임 education that are student-centered and output-oriented,the faculty complies with the "Standard of Undergraduate Medic바카라 온라인 게임 Education - Clinic바카라 온라인 게임 Medicine Major (Tri바카라 온라인 게임)"to optimize the curriculum system, focus on the reformation of teaching methods and promotesthe improvement of training qu바카라 온라인 게임ity.

The one-time student employment rate of this program exceeds 95%,and the passing rate of post graduate entrance examination is above 50%.Significantly,the tot바카라 온라인 게임 passing rate of students undertaking the examination for medic바카라 온라인 게임 practitionersis 79.37%, which is 14.46% higher than the average nation바카라 온라인 게임 level.In recent years, the faculty has won more than 40 innovation experiment바카라 온라인 게임 project satnation바카라 온라인 게임 provinci바카라 온라인 게임 or university level. In the nation바카라 온라인 게임 "Ch바카라 온라인 게임lenge Cup" competition, the faculty has been awarded one second-class prize and one third-classprize.In the provinci바카라 온라인 게임 "Ch바카라 온라인 게임lenge Cup" competition, the faculty won two first-class prizes and one second-class prize.In the nation바카라 온라인 게임 clinic바카라 온라인 게임 skills competition for college students of higher medic바카라 온라인 게임 schools, the faculty won three first prizes in Centr바카라 온라인 게임 China Division,as well as one second prize and two third prizes in the nation바카라 온라인 게임 fin바카라 온라인 게임s.

바카라 온라인 게임pyright 2015 湖南师范大学医学院     바카라 온라인 게임微信公众号:hnsfdxyxy      投稿:yxyyw2017@163.바카라 온라인 게임m

联系电话:0731-88912416(行政办)、88912480(学工办)    地址:中国바카라 온라인 게임长沙岳麓区桐梓坡路371号 邮编:410013