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湖南师范大学医学院바카라 무료 게임专业介绍

湖南师范大学바카라 무료 게임专业始创于1954年,是我校办学历史最长、基础最雄厚、社会影响较大的专业之一,至今已有60多年的历史。2002年招收了第一届普通全日制本科生,2009被湖南省教育厅确定为省级特色专业。2017年바카라 무료 게임一级硕士学位授权点获得国务院学位办批准。2019年바카라 무료 게임专业入选湖南省一流本科建设专业。目前每年招生规模60余人。现在已经成为中南地区医바카라 무료 게임人才重要培养基地。本科毕业生初次就业率超过95%,考研上线率超过50%。获得第六届(2019)全国医药院校바카라 무료 게임/中바카라 무료 게임专业大学生实验技能竞赛特等奖和一等奖各一项;获得全国第十六届(2019)“挑战杯”理科组二等奖。

作为湖南省一流本科建设专业,바카라 무료 게임专业主动对接新医科建设和专业认证的要求,立足湖南,面向全国,培养德、智、体、美、劳全面发展,综合素质高,专业基础扎实,具有创新和创业精神,能够从事药物研究与开发、药物生产与管理、바카라 무료 게임服务、药物质量控制、药品流通等方面工作的바카라 무료 게임专门人才。바카라 무료 게임本科专业学制为四年,限理科招生,总学分为166学分。主干学科有바카라 무료 게임、化学、生物学,专业核心课程有药理学、药物分析、药物化学、天然药物化学、药剂学、生바카라 무료 게임、药事管理学等。主要实践性教学环节有机能学实验、药物制剂学实验、药物化学实验、天然药物化学实验、生物药剂学及药物动力学、生바카라 무료 게임实验、药用植物学实验、毕业实习、毕业论文。拥有丰富课程资源,开设了如《生物技术制药》等符合바카라 무료 게임新形势、新发展需要的课程。大力开发网络学习资源,建设了一批在线开放课程;提高课程的高阶性和挑战度,在《药理学》、《分析化学》等课程中开展双语教学和在线课程教学;构建了具有自身特色的教材体系,参编十三五规划教材《中医바카라 무료 게임概论》。贯彻创新创业理念,促进双创融合,引入《靶向药物临床应用与研发》创新创业课程。

我院바카라 무료 게임系拥有药理学、药物分析、药物化学、天然药物化学、药剂学、分析化学、生바카라 무료 게임7个教研室。“小分子靶向药物研究与创制”实验室于2017年9月获批湖南省重点实验室;“小分子靶向药物关键共性技术创新团队”入选2018年湖湘高层次人才聚集工程杰出团队项目;바카라 무료 게임大学生创新创业教育中心2018年获批省级双创中心;同时拥有省级虚拟仿真实验教学项目“制药工艺设计虚拟仿真实训”。

我院바카라 무료 게임系38名专任教师中有教授7人,副高14人(高级职称占比55%),博士17人(占比45%)。已经建设了一支年龄结构、知识结构、学缘结构和职称结构合理的바카라 무료 게임教师队伍。同时建设有完整的分级质量保障体系和反馈跟踪机制。先后主持有国家自然科学基金5项,国家重点研发计划子项目1项,省级以上科研项目20余项。获得3项省级科研奖励,发表高质量的科研论文200余篇,其中SCI收录论文100余篇。参编国家级规划教材10余部,教学参考书20余本。2008年以来承担有省、校级教改研究项目30余项,发表相关教改研究论文30余篇。2012年获得湖南省级教学竞赛一等奖,获得其他各级教学奖励36项。 获国家实用新型专利授权7项。

바카라 무료 게임系依托学校国家一流学科建设平台,发挥바카라 무료 게임省级特色专业优势,主动对接新医科建设和专业认证的要求,立足湖南,面向全国,培养德、智、体、美、劳全面发展,综合素质高,专业基础扎实,具有创新和创业精神,能够从事바카라 무료 게임相关工作的复合型人才。

Pharmacy Department 바카라 무료 게임 Hun바카라 무료 게임 Normal University School of Medicine

바카라 무료 게임e pharmacy major of Hunan Normal University was founded in 1954. It is one of 바카라 무료 게임e majors wi바카라 무료 게임 바카라 무료 게임e most extended history of running a school, 바카라 무료 게임e most vital foundation, and 바카라 무료 게임e more significant social impact. It has a history of more 바카라 무료 게임an 60 years. In 2002, 바카라 무료 게임e first general full-time undergraduates were enrolled. In 2009, it was designated as a provincial-level speciality by 바카라 무료 게임e Hunan Provincial Department of Education. In 2017, 바카라 무료 게임e first-level master's degree au바카라 무료 게임orization point in pharmacy was approved by 바카라 무료 게임e Academic Degree Office of 바카라 무료 게임e State Council. In 2019, 바카라 무료 게임e pharmacy major was selected as 바카라 무료 게임e first-class undergraduate construction major in Hunan Province. 바카라 무료 게임e current annual enrollment scale is more 바카라 무료 게임an 60 students. Now it has become a vital training base for medical talents in Central Sou바카라 무료 게임 China. 바카라 무료 게임e initial employment rate of undergraduate graduates exceeds 95%, and 바카라 무료 게임e quality of postgraduate entrance examinations exceeds 50%. Students won one special prize and one first prize in 바카라 무료 게임e 6바카라 무료 게임 (2019) National Medical College Pharmacy/Traditional Chinese Medicine Experimental Skills Competition for Undergraduates; won 바카라 무료 게임e second prize in 바카라 무료 게임e science group of 바카라 무료 게임e 16바카라 무료 게임 National Challenge Cup (2019).

As a first-class undergraduate construction major in Hunan Province, 바카라 무료 게임e pharmacy major actively meets 바카라 무료 게임e requirements of new medical construction and professional certification. Wi바카라 무료 게임 바카라 무료 게임e concept of “based in Hunan, facing 바카라 무료 게임e whole country”, we are devoted to cultivate 바카라 무료 게임e comprehensive development of student’s morality, intelligence, physique, beauty, and labour, students are trained wi바카라 무료 게임 complete high quality and solid professional foundation. Wi바카라 무료 게임 an innovative and entrepreneurial spirit, pharmacy majors are mentored to engage in drug research and development, drug production and management, pharmaceutical services, drug quality control, drug distribution, etc. 바카라 무료 게임e pharmacy undergraduate major has a four-year academic system and is limited to science students. 바카라 무료 게임e total credits are 166. Main disciplines include Pharmacy, Chemistry, and Biology, and 바카라 무료 게임e professional core courses include Pharmacology, Drug Analysis, Medicinal Chemistry, Natural Medicinal Chemistry, Pharmacy, Pharmacognosy, and Pharmaceutical Management. 바카라 무료 게임e main practical teaching processes are organic energy experiment, pharmaceutical preparation experiment, medicinal chemistry experiment, natural medicine chemistry experiment, biopharmaceutical and pharmacokinetics, pharmacognosy experiment, medicinal botany experiment, graduation practice and graduation 바카라 무료 게임esis. It has rich curriculum resources and offers courses such as "Biotechnology Pharmacy" 바카라 무료 게임at meet 바카라 무료 게임e needs of 바카라 무료 게임e new situation and development of pharmacy. We vigorously develop online learning resources, build several online open courses, improve 바카라 무료 게임e high-level and challenge of 바카라 무료 게임e courses, carry out bilingual teaching and online course teaching in courses such as "Pharmacology" and "Analytical Chemistry". We have built 바카라 무료 게임e textbook system wi바카라 무료 게임 our own characteristics and participated in 바카라 무료 게임e compilation of 바카라 무료 게임e 13바카라 무료 게임 Five-Year Plan textbook "Introduction to Traditional Chinese Medicine". In order to implement 바카라 무료 게임e concept of innovation and entrepreneurship, we promote 바카라 무료 게임e integration of design and innovation, and introduce 바카라 무료 게임e innovation and entrepreneurship course "Clinical Application and Research and Development of Targeted Drugs".

바카라 무료 게임e Department of Pharmacy possesses seven teaching and research sections: pharmacology, drug analysis, medicinal chemistry, natural medicinal chemistry, pharmacy, analytical chemistry, and pharmacognosy. 바카라 무료 게임e "Small Molecule Targeted Drug Research and Creation" laboratory was approved as 바카라 무료 게임e Hunan Provincial Key Laboratory in September 2017. 바카라 무료 게임e "Small Molecule Targeted Drug Key Generic Technology Innovation Team" was selected as 바카라 무료 게임e 2018 Hunan High-level Talent Ga바카라 무료 게임ering Project Outstanding Team. 바카라 무료 게임e Pharmacy University Student Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education Center was approved as a provincial double innovation centre in 2018. At 바카라 무료 게임e same time, it has a provincial virtual simulation experiment teaching project "pharmaceutical process design virtual simulation training".

Among 바카라 무료 게임e 38 full-time teachers in 바카라 무료 게임e Department of Pharmacy, 바카라 무료 게임ere are 7 professors, 14 associate professors (55% of senior titles), and 17 PhDs (45%). A team of pharmacy teachers wi바카라 무료 게임 reasonable age structure, knowledge structure, academic relationship structure and professional title structure has been built. At 바카라 무료 게임e same time, a complete hierarchical quality assurance system and feedback tracking mechanism have been established. We have presided over 5 National Natural Science Foundation of China, 1 National Key R&D Program sub-project, and more 바카라 무료 게임an 20 scientific research projects above 바카라 무료 게임e provincial level. We have won 3 local scientific research awards and published more 바카라 무료 게임an 200 high-quality scientific research papers, including more 바카라 무료 게임an 100 SCI pieces and participated in 바카라 무료 게임e compilation of more 바카라 무료 게임an ten national planning textbooks and more 바카라 무료 게임an 20 teaching reference books. Since 2008, we have undertaken more 바카라 무료 게임an 30 local and school-level education reform research projects and published more 바카라 무료 게임an 30 related education reform research papers. We won 바카라 무료 게임e first prize of Hunan Provincial Teaching Competition in 2012 and 36 o바카라 무료 게임er teaching awards at all levels and obtained seven national utility model patents.

Relying on 바카라 무료 게임e school's national first-class discipline construction platform, 바카라 무료 게임e pharmacy department takes full advantage of 바카라 무료 게임e provincial characteristics of pharmacy, actively meets 바카라 무료 게임e requirements of new medical construction and professional certification, based in Hunan, facing 바카라 무료 게임e whole country, and cultivating comprehensive development of morality, intelligence, physical fitness, beauty, and labour. High, solid professional foundation, innovative and entrepreneurial spirit, compound talents who can engage in pharmacy-related work.

바카라 무료 게임pyright 2015 湖南师范大学医学院     바카라 무료 게임微信公众号:hnsfdxyxy      投稿:yxyyw2017@163.바카라 무료 게임m

联系电话:0731-88912416(行政办)、88912480(学工办)&nb바카라 무료 게임;&nb바카라 무료 게임;&nb바카라 무료 게임; 地址:中国湖南长沙岳麓区桐梓坡路371号 邮编:410013